SIGNL4 Integrations
It is easy to integrate SIGNL4 with almost any IT or IoT tool using standard interfaces like email or webhook (HTTP request). Here, we list a few integrations along with a technical description.
If you feel an integration is missing in this list, please feel free to let us know at hello [@] If you would like to create your own integration the documentation about the inbound webhook is a good start.
Table of contents
- Acure
- Albato
- Alertra
- Amazon Alexa
- Apify
- AppDynamics
- AppOptics
- Arduino
- AT&T IoT
- Atatus
- Atera
- Autocode
- Autotask
- Auvik
- AWS CloudWatch
- AWS IoT Button
- Azure Application Insights
- Azure IoT
- Azure Monitor
- BigPanda
- BMC Helix ITSM
- Building Management Systems
- Camunda BPM
- Centreon
- Checkly
- Checkmk
- CloudFit
- CloudMonix
- CloudStats
- ConnectWise Automate
- ConnectWise PSA
- Crosser
- Cumulocity
- Datacake
- Datadog
- Dynatrace
- EventSentry
- Exoprise
- Flic Button
- FortiMonitor
- Freshdesk
- Freshservice
- Gimasi Service Button
- GitHub Actions
- Google Cloud’s Operations Suite
- Google Forms
- Grafana
- HaloPSA
- Heartbeat Monitoring
- Hilscher
- Home Assistant
- Host Tracker
- Hyperping
- IBM App Connect
- Icinga
- ifm IO-Link
- Industrial Shields
- InfluxDB
- Instana
- InTrack
- InvoiceBerry
- IXON Cloud
- Jira Software
- JitBit
- Kaa IoT
- Kaseya BMS
- Keep
- Kibana
- LibreNMS
- logiccloud
- LogicMonitor
- LogRythm
- Losant
- ManageEngine OpManager
- MariaDB
- Melrose Labs
- Meta API
- Micro Focus OMi
- Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- Microsoft Dynamics 365
- Microsoft Power Automate
- Microsoft SCOM
- Microsoft Sentinel
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft Teams
- Monitoria
- Montastic
- Motadata
- MuleSoft Anypoint
- N-able
- n8n
- Nagios
- NetApp Cloud Insights
- NetCrunch
- Netreo
- Netwrix
- New Relic
- NinjaOne
- Node-RED
- OpenText SMAX
- Opsview
- Outbound Webhook
- PA Server Monitor
- Particle
- Perinet
- Pingniner
- Pipedream
- Planon (Axonize)
- PLC (S7)
- Prometheus
- PTC ThingWorx
- pulsetic
- Pulseway
- Pycom
- Qlik
- Raspberry Pi
- Raygun
- Retrace
- RudderStack
- SAP Appgyver
- Schneider Electric
- Sematext
- Sentry
- Server Density
- ServiceNow
- Shuffle
- SimpleOps
- Site24x7
- Slack
- Solarwinds NPM
- Solarwins Pingdom
- Sophos
- Spiceworks
- Splunk
- SQLite Cloud
- StatusCake
- SteelCentral
- StreamPipes
- Sumo Logic
- Super Monitoring
- SysAid
- Telekom IoT Service Button
- TensorFlow
- TheHive
- ThingsBoard
- ThousendEyes
- TOPdesk
- Twilio Segment
- Ubidots
- UiPath
- Uptime
- Uptime Kuma
- UptimeRobot
- Uptrends
- ViaSocket
- WAGO Cloud
- Wazuh
- Web-IO from W&T
- Webhook
- Website Monitoring
- WhatsUp Gold
- Widgelix
- Workato
- Xurrent
- Zabbix
- Zapier
- Zendesk
- ZentinelMDS Obsrv!
- ZigiOps
- Zoho Flow